Ontario G1 Practice Test online

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G1 Practice Test Online - Part 4

1 / 40

What are your responsibilities if you are involved in an accident with no personal injuries but damages in excess of $1000?

2 / 40

Tailgating is risky because of the following factors?

3 / 40

You should use your mirror to check?

4 / 40

Safe following distance is at least?

5 / 40

You are asked to take a breathalyser test by a police officer. What happens if you decline to take the test ?

6 / 40

When you're being passed from behind, what do you do?

7 / 40

Parking lights can be used when?

8 / 40

If your hood flies open while you're driving ?

9 / 40

What document you should have when police ask?

10 / 40

Which is a hazard?

11 / 40

What must you do before entering the intersection and making a turn while turning right on a red signal light?

12 / 40

What does it mean to tailgate?

13 / 40

When is it permissible to make a left turn at a red light?

14 / 40

When nearing a blinking railroad crossing for an approaching train, you must come to a complete stop at least?

15 / 40

At a streetcar stop where passengers are getting off or on?

16 / 40

If you drive faster than other vehicles on a road continually pass other vehicles, you will?

17 / 40

At a traffic signal, a green light indicates that ?

18 / 40

You notice pedestrians crossing the road as you approach a crosswalk. It is against the law to

19 / 40

What is the speed limit in a city, town, or village where the speed limit is not posted?

20 / 40

When you can drive on the paved side?

21 / 40

Do bikers share the same obligations and rights as motorists?

22 / 40

Is lane splitting dangerous?

23 / 40

Which of the following is true?

24 / 40

When your vehicle hydroplanes, what should you do?

25 / 40

If a person's driver's licence is suspended, he or she may not

26 / 40

Is it permissible to consume alcoholic beverages while driving on a road?

27 / 40

Which one of these is an good idea to do at night when driving?

28 / 40

If you are feeling tired it is best to?

29 / 40

Whenever you drive, you must have your driver's licence with you every time

30 / 40

Headlights should be turned on when you can't see individuals or cars how far away?

31 / 40

What will you do if you're waiting to turn left at an intersection and the lights flash yellow?

32 / 40

In cities, keeping to the left tire track may avoid

33 / 40

The Ministry of Transportation must be notified of any changes to your name, address, or vehicle ownership with in?

34 / 40

Can you turn right on a red light?

35 / 40

Whenever you're driving defensively,

36 / 40

When a car approaches an on-ramp to merge into a highway, highway drivers should be cautious?

37 / 40

What should you do if you are in an intersection waiting to turn left and the light turns yellow?

38 / 40

What should you do if your tyre blows out in the middle of the road?

39 / 40

What do you do when you are being passed from behind?

40 / 40

Why is it necessary to use signals when turning?

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