Ontario G1 Practice Test online

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G1 Practice Test Online - Part 2

1 / 20

If a person's driver's licence is suspended, he or she may not

2 / 20

When you're being passed from behind, what do you do?

3 / 20

Can you turn right on a red light?

4 / 20

You should use your mirror to check?

5 / 20

What will you do if you're waiting to turn left at an intersection and the lights flash yellow?

6 / 20

What document you should have when police ask?

7 / 20

At a streetcar stop where passengers are getting off or on?

8 / 20

You are asked to take a breathalyser test by a police officer. What happens if you decline to take the test ?

9 / 20

Is it permissible to consume alcoholic beverages while driving on a road?

10 / 20

When your vehicle hydroplanes, what should you do?

11 / 20

When a car approaches an on-ramp to merge into a highway, highway drivers should be cautious?

12 / 20

If you are feeling tired it is best to?

13 / 20

Which of the following is true?

14 / 20

In cities, keeping to the left tire track may avoid

15 / 20

Which is a hazard?

16 / 20

The Ministry of Transportation must be notified of any changes to your name, address, or vehicle ownership with in?

17 / 20

Do bikers share the same obligations and rights as motorists?

18 / 20

Headlights should be turned on when you can't see individuals or cars how far away?

19 / 20

What does it mean to tailgate?

20 / 20

What are your responsibilities if you are involved in an accident with no personal injuries but damages in excess of $1000?

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Frequently Asked Questions about G1 Driving Practice Test

A G1 Driving Practice Test is a mock version of the official knowledge test required to obtain a G1 driver’s license in Canada. It’s designed to help you prepare for the actual test by familiarizing you with the types of questions and format you can expect.

The G1 Driving Practice Test typically consists of 20 to 40 multiple-choice questions, covering topics such as road signs, rules of the road, and safe driving practices.

While the practice test is designed to be similar in format and content to the official test, it may not be identical. However, it can still provide a good indicator of your readiness for the actual test. control, and defensive driving.

You can take a G1 Driving Practice Test online or in print form. There are many websites that offer free or paid practice tests, and some driving schools may also provide them as part of their driver education services.

There’s no limit to how often you can take a G1 Driving Practice Test. You can take as many as you need to feel confident and prepared for the official test.

The accuracy of G1 Driving Practice Tests can vary, depending on the source. It’s important to use a reliable and up-to-date practice test to ensure that the information you’re studying is accurate and relevant.

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10 Strategies to Pass the G1 Driving Practice Test

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